
The Message of Genesis 1–11: The Dawn of Creation is unavailable, but you can change that!

The early chapters of Genesis proclaim the origin of the world and of human life on earth. They uncover the origins of evil. They illuminate the meaning of freedom. They express the harmony of creation, evoke wonder as God is portrayed in his creative power and beauty, and ultimately show us how and why we are—offering hope for the renewal of our natural world and for the healing of our broken...

is a dependent, derived and contingent order. Far from conflicting with science, therefore, the theological stance of the author of this chapter provides insight into two of the basic conditions on which the scientific enterprise depends: order and contingence. A third condition, without which there could be no science, is that our human minds can, at least partly, understand the world outside them. There is a correspondence between the rational minds of human beings and the rational order of the
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